There’s a Me that no one sees
I’m hiding every day.
I’m not how I’m supposed to be
it doesn’t feel Okay.
There’s a me that no one sees
I don’t know what to do.
Like feeling that you have to sneeze
and never say Ah-Choo.
There’s a me that no one sees
I’m told I am a “He.”
The boy they say that I should be
feels much more like a “She.”
There’s a Me that no one sees
I like to wear girl’s clothes
and pull my socks up to my knees
and tie my hair in bows.
There’s a me that no one sees
my secret is my own.
A little boat on stormy seas
I feel so all alone.
There’s a Me that no one sees
I don’t like playing rough.
I’d rather wear a pink chemise
and use a powder puff.
There’s a me that no one sees
who fears my friends will frown.
They might make fun of me and tease
and push me on the ground.
There’s a Me that no one sees
I’d like someone to know.
Someone who will stand by me
I’m not sure who to show.
There’s a me that no one sees
my parents finally met.
I was really scared to tell them
But they didn’t get upset.
There’s a Me that no one sees
Who now is seen all-day.
There’s a me for ALL to see
I feel much more Okay.
There’s a Me for All to see
A Me that’s here to stay.
There’s a Me for All to see
who’s happy every day.