Dec 28, 2021


Great article! I haven’t seen the reality show you describe here nor want to. I’ve dated straight men without revealing myself and know too well the stress, isolation and dread that are ever present in that equation. To see that in a reality show would make me physically ill from ptsd!
I doubt there is any way to tell that story appropriately in that format. Perhaps a sensitively handled documentary is more appropriate?
The whole circumstance is dangerous and problematic as long as dating a transgender woman is seen as some aberration or insult to a man’s self esteem.
I think the only good way to say you’re Transgender is to say exactly that. No need to say anything regarding your former gender or history. “I’m Transgender.” says it all. And best to say it sooner rather than later.




Written by TransGen

Genivieve is a Transgender Artist living in Santa Barbara California.

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