From Str8 Man to Str8 Woman

2 min readJun 22, 2022

(and everything in between…)

I was speaking to a Gay woman friend of mine in the women’s locker room after swimming when she said, “I heard you and your former partner broke up.” I knew who she was referring to and we had a short conversation about where I’m at now. Part of that included that I’m now dating men. In the Gay women’s world that I formerly occupied, that’s a bit unusual. But that’s not the half of it, because before I was a Gay woman, I was a hetero man. This all seems like a math equation with exotic confusing symbols. That’s why I included the diagram above. (Hopefully the humor here is obvious)

My ex-girlfriend and other Gay woman are all somewhat shocked by my alarming conversion to a straight woman. As a matter of fact, for some reason, my ex finds it downright hilarious. She remains incredulous, but perhaps just a bit impressed too. She’s fond of saying that, “I got exactly what I always wanted.” (I’m not 100% sure why she says that.) I find her incredulity equally amusing because I have traveled between genders and have been attracted to and attractive to people from all parts of the gender and sexual spectrum. I briefly landed on a space marked, “Lesbian,” but I didn’t ever see myself as primarily Lesbian. From my perspective, I’m attracted to intelligence and kindness, not someone’s gender. I’ve thought of myself as a “sapiophile” more than anything else.

I often feel like I’ve been in a “Twister” game. That’s the game where you spin a dial and the arrow points at both a color and a body part. Things start out simple but eventually get all “twisted-up.” (Hence the name.) The winner is the last person who can touch the appropriate colors without falling down. Currently, I’m touching hetero-male with most of my body parts and am quite happy about it. I hope that the game is over, but one thing life has taught me is that the game will surprise you when you least expect it.




Written by TransGen

Genivieve is a Transgender Artist living in Santa Barbara California.

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